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If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form. You can also reach us by email or phone from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. AEST, Monday through Friday.

02 9564 5763


PO Box 1069, Leichhardt NSW 2040


Meet The Flourish Movement Team

  • Dr Adam Fraser is a peak performance and wellbeing researcher and founder of The Flourish Movement. Adam knows the world of school leaders in great detail and is a passionate supporter of the important role they play in their teachers and students lives, as well as the school and broader community. After researching their world, he founded The Flourish Movement, a wellbeing and effectiveness program for school leaders.

“What school leaders have in common is they have a suit of armour that they pull on each day to go to work. While this armour protects them, it is a heavy burden to carry. Its maintenance requires them to push themselves constantly, to over work, to over commit and to feel guilty about asking time for themselves or their family.

You could say in some ways that school leaders are too devoted, too resilient and too optimistic for their own good.

The Flourish Movement is a place where they can take off the armour, sit with their colleagues, be supported, have authentic conversations while creating a legacy of wellbeing and fulfilment for current and future school leaders.”

  • Bob Willetts is the Principal of Berry PS and the Vice President of the NSWPPA. He is passionate about promoting wellbeing for School Leaders. His personal experiences, understanding of the extraordinary and exponential challenges facing principals and teachers, as well as a range of research showing the negative impact on the health and wellbeing of principals, led him to instigate The Flourish Movement and is now a facilitator. He’s the man in the chair, who understands the role and the challenges school leaders face.

Bob Willetts is the Principal of Berry PS and the Vice President of the NSWPPA. He is passionate about promoting wellbeing for School Leaders. His personal experiences, understanding of the extraordinary and exponential challenges facing principals and teachers, as well as a range of research showing the negative impact on the health and wellbeing of principals, led him to instigate The Flourish Movement and is now a facilitator. He’s the man in the chair, who understands the role and the challenges school leaders face.

  • Dr John Molineux is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management in Deakin Business School. John joined Deakin in 2012 after over 30 years in the Human Resource Management (HRM) industry. He is currently teaching HRM and leadership to postgraduate students. His research interests currently focus on industry-sponsored projects, with an emphasis on human performance and wellbeing. John is also keenly interested in strategic HRM, organisation change and action research.

    John serves in voluntary roles with the Australian HR Institute, where he is a Fellow Certified Practitioner in HR and member of the National Certification Council, plus is a board member of the Action Learning Action Research Association.

“I undertake the research for Flourish, which includes research ethics, conducting surveys, interviewing participants, analysing data, presenting information at workshops, and producing reports. My favourite part is engaging with participants in the interviews and at workshops, particularly in relation to listening to their stories and encouraging experimentation and change.”

  • Chris has a great mind for numbers (a little geek at times) as well as an excellent capacity for understanding people. She brings a unique perspective to the business having run her own for some time before moving to this role full time. 

    Technically she’s an accredited exercise physiologist (yep one of those unusual types who like exercise) but this has meant she has had years of experience in individualising programs and services based on data and providing outcomes – she’s result oriented.

    Chris has a strong belief that everyone can be developed given the right information at the right time in the right way.

    When not at work you’ll find her in the gym, the pool, cooking up a storm or getting her girls to school or their activities. She originally hails from Melbourne so she really loves her coffee!

  • Louisa brings to the team over 20 years’ experience in client relations, business administration, event management and operations in the areas of property and education.

    Working in events during a pandemic allowed Louisa’s knack for thinking outside the square to shine. Her strong eye for detail and solutions-based approach has allowed her to find and execute the best possible solution on each occasion (with Plans B, C and D on standby!) and knock out any curve balls. Louisa’s ability to relate and be empathetic to others has been instrumental in creating and maintaining relationships with stakeholders over the years.

    Outside of work, Louisa is usually running around with her kids or keeping an eye on the property market, but her happy place is in her kitchen with her recipe books – to the benefit of her family!

  • Isabel is our behind-the-scenes Ninja. She loves puzzles and solving problems, so whenever anyone in the team has an issue, she is the go-to woman. 

    Isabel came to Australia in 2015 and she is originally from Portugal where she was studying to become a teacher. This was then complemented by her qualifications in Marketing and Business. One of Isabel’s many strengths include her interpersonal skills (yes, she is a total social butterfly), so she is particularly good at relating to people. 

    When not at work, Isabel is an avid CrossFit enthusiast, so you will likely find her at the gym..... or sitting at a table eating good food, because life is all about balance, right?! 

    She loves being with friends, music, fitness, fashion, and cars (because she is forced to by her husband). 

  • Tahmeena is a communication graduate with a focus on information and media.

    Passionate about client interaction, she thrives in creating meaningful connections through her work. In her previous roles, Tahmeena supported improvement and management toward team efforts and business advancement.