The Virtue of Flexibility


Today's leaders give new meaning to old-fashioned virtues like contentment, determination, simplicity, tolerance, and flexibility. Principals have a wealth of experience to share with their teams and school communities. However, flexibility is a key virtue that helps Principals succeed both professionally and personally. Let's take a closer look at how Australian Principals who embrace flexibility are succeeding as leaders.

What is virtue?

Virtue is a person's inner beauty. It is what makes them wonderful and special. It includes the way they act, speak, and dress. A person with virtue will always seem wealthy, no matter how much money they have, because everything they do will show quality.


The Virtue of Flexibility:

Flexibility is akin to the agile nature of a child, unencumbered by the constraints and stresses of life. Similarly, flexibility in an adult and a leader involves not only physical agility, but also mental agility, remaining watchful to avoid harbouring pain, stiffness, and inflexible thoughts. Finding an adaptable adult who hasn’t become a “creature of habit” but still responds freshly, unconditionally, and fearlessly can be rare.

Australian school Principals who invest in their leadership development understand that the key to success is renewal through continuous learning. Just like a refreshing shower washes away accumulated reactions and unexpressed emotions, an ongoing flow of new knowledge and experiences helps prevent the formation of fears or prejudices.

Successful leaders can find new inspiration and feel better by taking time to look inside themselves and stepping away from what's obvious. It's like going on a little vacation for the mind. To be flexible, you need to take a break and clear your mind. You also need to come back with something meaningful and original from within yourself, something to use, or else the shock of returning to life again makes you start to harden.

Withdrawing is a habit that should be sacredly held. Withdrawing into Mother Nature, meditation, slowing down, walking alone, listening, and falling into music or art are all possibilities for escaping from your daily mind and routine thoughts. If you are struggling, tired, or weary, you can come through this door to find peace again. Remember that being flexible is beautiful in its childishness and softness, but discipline is necessary to create space for your retreat. This will help you maintain the vitality, flexibility, and wisdom needed to lead others effectively and continue to thrive.

TheirCare is a proud sponsor of The Flourish Movement and supports the evidence-based leadership development programs offered to Principals and Leaders.  


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