The successful program helping principals regain a healthy work-life balance - The Educator


“Five years ago, a small group of rural NSW principals, fed up with ongoing reports about the deteriorating health and wellbeing of their colleagues, launched a movement designed to reduce the stress and anxiety that has pushed the profession to the brink.

The most recent Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey found that during school term, 53% of principals work 56 hours per week (more than 20 hours above the national average) and that 24% of principals worked more than 61-65 hours per week. In total, an overwhelming 99.7% of principals worked hours far beyond those recommended for positive mental and physical health.

However, a new study into the sustainability of the strategies and learnings from The Flourish Movement program shows that…”


Why Outside School Hours Care is still a critical part of your child’s day


The Flourish Movement. How it all began….