Principals’ work-life balance improving under new program - The Educator


“The latest report into principal health and wellbeing found almost half (45%) were threatened with violence in 2018, compared with 38% in 2011.

The report, released in February by the Australian Catholic University (ACU), also found that 99.7% of principals work hours far beyond those recommended for positive mental and physical health.

However, a ground-breaking program aimed at reversing these alarming trends has been seeing significant, and positive, results.

The research-based Flourish program – developed by Dr Adam Fraser in consultation with a leadership group from the Shellharbour Primary Principals’ Council – has achieved significant results, including a 56% increase in positivity at work and a 20% decrease in stress levels.

The program’s instigator, Bob Willetts, vice-president of the NSW Primary Principals Association (NSWPPA), said the program has had far broader reach and impact than initially intended.

“Principals have openly shared their learning with their teachers, students and communities. In many schools, health and wellbeing goals now form part of performance and development conversations,” Willetts told The Educator.”


Helping principals flourish - Education Matters


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