Get back your memories…

After two very difficult years, we all hoped 2022 was going to be a better year… the rain and Covid-19 had other ideas making this term one of our most difficult yet! The relentless wet weather and floods have left many families devastated.

We understand the scale of this disaster as so many schools’ communities have been affected. We are super proud to have ’The School Photographer Alliance’ as one of our Flourish sponsors. They are currently offering a free replacement school photos to families who have lost these treasured memories. This offer can be accessed via their website here:

The School Photographer Alliance have also rescheduled more school photography days than ever this term due to the weather, floods and Covid-19 outbreaks in schools. We can’t image the struggle of School staff coping with the extra load when colleagues have been in isolation. It’s amazing to watch them manage all the hurdles they come up against in these crazy times and continue to provide outstanding service through it all. We are very grateful for their resilience and commitment.

We are sure many have faced many difficulties as they try to navigate a safe environment for their staff and students in term 1 while dealing with every teacher’s nightmare, days and days of rain! I’m sure the Easter break has been very much appreciated by many!

Here's hoping term 2 brings a little more certainty and sunshine for everyone!


Three simple ways to inspire curiosity in your child


How teachers and principals can bounce back from burnout - The Educator Australia